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The light_switch module is part of the stateforward examples and showcases the implementation of an asynchronous state machine to model the behavior of a light switch. The example defines states for the light switch, such as On, Off, and Flashing, as well as events that trigger state transitions, such as turning the light OnEvent or OffEvent.

Light Switch Example

Here is a simple example of a light switch state machine using StateForward Python.

    direction LR
    Off: Off
    Off: entry / print("Light off entry")
    Off: exit / print("Light off exit")
    [*] --> Off
    On: On
    On: entry / print("Light on entry")
    On: exit / print("Light on exit")
    Off --> On : OnEvent
    On --> Off : OffEvent

import stateforward as sf
import asyncio

class OnEvent(sf.Event):

class OffEvent(sf.Event):

class LightSwitch(sf.AsyncStateMachine):
    class On(sf.State):
        async def entry(self, event: OnEvent):
            print("Light on entry")

        async def exit(self, event: OffEvent):
            print("Light on exit")

    class Off(sf.State):
        async def entry(self, event: OnEvent):
            print("Light off entry")

        async def exit(self, event: OffEvent):
            print("Light off exit")

    initial = sf.initial(Off)
    transitions = sf.collection(
        sf.transition(OnEvent, source=Off, target=On),
        sf.transition(OffEvent, source=On, target=Off),

async def main():
    # instantiate a light switch
    light_switch = LightSwitch()
    # start the interpreter and wait for it to be settled
    await light_switch.interpreter.start()
    # output the current states of the state machine
    # dispatch a OnEvent to the state machine
    await sf.dispatch(OnEvent(), light_switch)
    # output the current states of the state machine
    # dispatch a OffEvent to the state machine
    await sf.dispatch(OffEvent(), light_switch)
Light off entry
(<__main__.LightSwitch.region.region_0.Off object at 0x10683e590>,)
Light off exit
Light on entry
(<__main__.LightSwitch.region.region_0.On object at 0x10683dd90>,)
Light on exit
Light off entry
(<__main__.LightSwitch.region.region_0.Off object at 0x10683e590>,)
Light off exit

Components of the Light Switch State Machine


  • OnEvent: An event representing the action of turning the light on.
  • OffEvent: An event representing the action of turning the light off.
  • FlashEvent: An event that triggers the flashing mode, derived from the custom ChangeEvent.


  • On: The state representing the light being turned on.
  • Off: The state representing the light being turned off.
  • Flashing: The state representing the light in a flashing mode. Transition to this state is determined by the condition lambda self, event=None: self.model.flashing.


The module defines PrintBehavior as a simple behavior that prints a message to the console upon entering and exiting states.

Defining the Light Switch State Machine

The LightSwitch state machine is derived from AsyncStateMachine and specifies the states and transitions. It includes an attribute flashing, which is a boolean flag used to conditionally trigger the flashing state.


Transitions between states are defined using the transition function from the stateforward framework; it specifies what event causes the transition, the source state, and the target state, along with optional guards and effects.

Asynchronous Operation

The state machine is designed to operate asynchronously, making use of Python's asyncio library. This allows for concurrent operation within an event-driven system.

Running the Example

The module includes an asynchronous light_switch_main function that initializes the state machine, starts it, and dispatches events to trigger state transitions. One can observe the behavior of the light switch by calling this function within an event loop.


The stateforward.example.light_switch module serves as an educational tool for understanding the stateforward framework and is an example of how to model and simulate a simple system with state machines in Python.

To learn more about other parts of the stateforward framework or to adapt the light switch example for your own use case, please refer to the rest of the documentation.