StateForward Python is in alpha
This is a work in progress and is not ready for production use yet. The API and implementation are subject to changes on minor versions. See the Roadmap for planned features and the Contributing section for ways to contribute.
About StateForward Python
StateForward Python is where code complexity meets simplicity. This library is your ally in evolving spaghetti code into elegant, robust state machines. Say goodbye to the dense forest of if-else statements and welcome a world where adding features doesn’t mean unraveling a complex knot.
With StateForward Python, you’re building on solid ground. Your code becomes a clear map of states and transitions, making it easily extendable and a joy to maintain. It's about writing software that grows with grace, ensuring that your project's future is as structured and reliable as its present.
pip install stateforward
Light Switch Example
Here is a simple example of a light switch state machine using StateForward Python.
direction LR
Off: Off
Off: entry / print("Light off entry")
Off: exit / print("Light off exit")
[*] --> Off
On: On
On: entry / print("Light on entry")
On: exit / print("Light on exit")
Off --> On : OnEvent
On --> Off : OffEvent
import stateforward as sf
import asyncio
class OnEvent(sf.Event):
class OffEvent(sf.Event):
class LightSwitch(sf.AsyncStateMachine):
class On(sf.State):
async def entry(self, event: OnEvent):
print("Light on entry")
async def exit(self, event: OffEvent):
print("Light on exit")
class Off(sf.State):
async def entry(self, event: OnEvent):
print("Light off entry")
async def exit(self, event: OffEvent):
print("Light off exit")
initial = sf.initial(Off)
transitions = sf.collection(
sf.transition(OnEvent, source=Off, target=On),
sf.transition(OffEvent, source=On, target=Off),
async def main():
# instantiate a light switch
light_switch = LightSwitch()
# start the interpreter and wait for it to be settled
await light_switch.interpreter.start()
# output the current states of the state machine
# dispatch a OnEvent to the state machine
await sf.dispatch(OnEvent(), light_switch)
# output the current states of the state machine
# dispatch a OffEvent to the state machine
await sf.dispatch(OffEvent(), light_switch)
Light off entry
(<__main__.LightSwitch.region.region_0.Off object at 0x10683e590>,)
Light off exit
Light on entry
(<__main__.LightSwitch.region.region_0.On object at 0x10683dd90>,)
Light on exit
Light off entry
(<__main__.LightSwitch.region.region_0.Off object at 0x10683e590>,)
Light off exit